Thursday, November 1, 2018

Surprise! I Participated in Blog Ahead | Blog Ahead #1

Blog Ahead #1
Originally written on October 5, 2018

SURPRISE! I participated in the October 2018 round of Blog Ahead! I guess I should say I'm about to participate in Blog Ahead, as I wanted to write and schedule this blog post before I write and schedule anything else. It'll be nice to have a post to share my initial thoughts and goals behind this project before I undertake it!

So, what is Blog Ahead, you may ask? WELL, it's a blog challenge hosted by The Herd Presents which challenges you to write and schedule 30 blog posts during the month of October that will go November 1st and after. That means you have 31 days to write 30 posts.... what. I'm already off to a bad start because I just heard about this challenge from Andie's blog TODAY, and we're already 5 days into the month. Woops!

I've been struggling with how to keep my blog more consistent and create blog content that's more than just "oh hey here's a video I uploaded on YouTube" (which I mean, I'll keep doing that, but my blog should be more than that, you know?). I've started to be more consistent with weekly life updates, which I've been really enjoying, but I'm always searching out ways how I can write more here on this little corner of the internet, so I thought that this challenge would be perfect!

I've spent a good part of my day today planning out 30 ideas and scheduling out when to post them. Check out how organized I've been:

I used my trusty bujo to brainstorm ideas...

...aaand Google Calendar to decide when I want to schedule each post!

You'll notice that even though I'm scheduling out pre-determined content, I'm also still scheduling weekly life updates, so you'll have content from both present and past Riley throughout this challenge. I hope you all are excited about the topics I've picked out! I've tried to keep them relevant to the times they will be posted and I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys think of each post. :)

One more thing to note (that you probably already noticed as well) is that I'm going to put a little note at the top of each post that will indicate when the post was originally written and scheduled, so you'll know that it's a post that's coming from past Riley and not present Riley. I feel like without that note at the top things might be a bit confusing, so I thought that might help!

Anywho, I'm excited to get this challenge underway and I hope it inspires me to write more over on my blog and doesn't totally burn me out from writing! n_n'' If you're participating this month as well, I wish you the best of luck! (Even though you won't be seeing this until November 1st! :P)

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