Saturday, January 4, 2020

Weekly Round Up (December 29, 2019 - January 4, 2020)

This, this, this!

I really loved doing these weekly round up posts during Blogmas so I thought I would make them my little weekly ritual on Saturdays! It's nice to have a "catch all" spot for things I didn't get to throughout the week, and it actually ends up being such a fun post to write every time. This week was so weird with New Year's being smack dab in the middle and returning to work for two days after nearly two weeks off, but here we are.

For New Year's we had plans of going into Boston, but Brett came home from work super tired so we decided to hang at home with our roommate and friends. We made our favorite "cocktails" which was really just hard seltzer with frozen fruit (Honestly, try it. So simple yet so good!) while I updated my blogs layout (NERD) and Brett and Craig played video games (DOUBLE NERD). 

We did end up going out to our local Chinese food joint and drinking cocktails and eating all the food! This has become one of my favorite things to do on New Year's Eve and I'd be totally content if the tradition continued for years to come.

The Mai Tais I ordered at this place were PURE ALCOHOL. Needless to say I had a great night. ๐Ÿ˜‚

We ended the night playing Super Smash Bros on the Switch while we waited for the ball to drop, then a game called Fibbage which I never heard of before but had a blast playing. I'm a big fan of group games so staying in and playing games all night was the perfect way to spend New Year's, IMO. I love New Year's Eve. I know a lot of people hate on NYE as being super disappointing, but if you don't overthink it, it can always turn out to be a super fun night!

The Happy Broadcast

I came across this link on someone's blog and I have now found my very favorite Instagram account. The Happy Broadcast is an account that just shares all the GOOD news in the world. I think we all agree that we can use more good news on our feeds. PLUS the illustrations are just so stinkin' adorable! Highly recommend giving this account a follow! These are a couple of my favorite that I've come across so far:

The Science Behind Why You Don't Remember the Pain of Running Marathons

What an interesting read! It's so true that when I look back on marathons I definitely remember the ones that were painful, but I don't exactly remember the pain. I feel like my brain mostly remembers the accomplishment itself rather than the fact that my ankles were on fire for 10 miles or that my calves were totally cramping or that I felt like the sun was going to melt me alive. I really liked this quote from the article: 

“If a painful activity produces outcomes of value, positive emotions result, and these emotions seem to help ensure that pain does not prevent us from doing it again.”

Thursday was Cassie's birthday and for  a gift I got her a Motivate Wrap from Momentum Jewelry! On it, I put our favorite mantra which sprang from Florida Marathon weekend last year - Just Show Up - and I also got myself a matching one (her's is turquoise and mine is purple - our favorite colors!). I've seen these all over the place and I think they are a great extra little motivator when you're running. Can't wait to wear this on my long run this weekend!

Yesterday our Associate Dean brought in a couple dozen donuts from a local donut shop, Kane's! Honestly these donuts are HEAVEN. If you're ever in the Boston area, I highly recommend checking them out. It was a perfect treat to end the short-yet-painful week back from vacation. YUM.

This weekend I have quite a bit going on - mostly "back to reality" kind of stuff. I have a dentist appointment this morning (siiiiiiiiiick) which will be interesting as I haven't been to the dentist in a few years. *shame* I then will be hitting the gym and doing a big grocery shop & cooking a big meal before the Patriot's game tonight (๐Ÿคž). I'll be mainly focused on getting myself mentally and physically prepared for my 18 mile long run tomorrow. These training runs are always so scary, no matter how many times I do them, so my main focus will be getting myself into a good mental head space to chip away at the miles early on a Sunday morning. I think later in the day tomorrow we're gong to try and go see Star Wars, but I guess we'll see where the day takes us!

In terms of reading, I have a few books that I'll be trying to focus on and hopefully finish this weekend! I'd really like to finish Bunny by Mona Awad, which I started on New Year's Day, as well as The Marathon Maniacs by Malcolm Anderson, which I started back in August when I became an official Maniac. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'd also like to start Permanent Record by Mary H.K. Choi - I'm craving a good YA contemporary right now and I absolutely loved reading Emergency Contact by the same author, so I'm hoping I'll feel the same way about Permanent Record!

How was your New Year's? What'd you get up to?

What are you hoping to read this weekend?

Do you have a long run or a race on your schedule for this weekend?

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