Monday, March 13, 2017

#BorrowAThon Round 2 Information

Hello #BorrowAThon-ers! 

I'm so excited that Round 2 is just under a week away! This post is your one-stop shop of information for the round ahead. We will also be posting daily schedules over on the Twitter page (scheduled to go live at 3AM EST each day) so if you need a daily reminder be on the look out for those posts! I won't be posting them on my blog as I did last round, but you can always reference this post if you're curious when things will be happening on a certain day. And if you have any questions that aren't answered here, just Tweet at us - one of the hosts will be sure to answer! 


This round I will have the help of Michael and Lala as my co-hosts! I am thrilled to have them on board. At least one of us will be in charge of the Twitter account each day so if you have any questions or comments that aren't answered on this post, just tweet at us and one of us will get back to you! Also, be sure to follow us for more interaction throughout the week!

Michael (YouTube | Twitter | Instagram)


This round we decided to add challenges into the mix! These challenges are completely optional and if you'd like you can definitely count more than one challenge for one book. Make sure you check the #BorrowAThon hashtag on Twitter for some awesome TBR suggestions! This round's challenges are:

1. Try before you buy
2. A graphic novel
3. Try a new-to-you author
4. A book recommended to you
5. A book with your favorite color on the cover
6. A book that involved a library in some way


Reading sprints will be hosted each day! Every sprint session will be hosted on the @BorrowAThon Twitter page, and the timing will vary based on the personal schedule of whichever host is in charge, so make sure you're following us and you have notifications turned on so you don't miss a session! The sprint hosts will be as follows:

DAY 1 - Sunday, March 19: Michael & Riley
DAY 2 - Monday, March 20: Lala
DAY 3 - Tuesday, March 21: Riley
DAY 4 - Wednesday, March 22: Riley
DAY 5 - Thursday, March 23: Michael
DAY 6 - Friday, March 24: Lala
DAY 7 - Saturday, March 25: Michael
DAY 8 - Sunday, March 26: Riley


One of my favorite components of the #BorrowAThon is the Twitter chats (or Twitter parties, as we like to call them), so we decided to bring them back for Round 2! Each chat will have a series of questions for participants to answer and gives us the opportunity to get to know each other a bit better. Basically, it's one massive hang out session! We have 3 chats this round, each run by a different hosts. Here's what the schedule looks like:

Monday, March 20th @ 8PM EST - Hosted by Riley
Thursday, March 23rd @ 3PM EST - Hosted by Lala
Saturday, March 25th @ 8PM EST - Hosted by Michael

I hope this post is helpful in any questions you might have regarding Round 2 of #BorrowAThon! Again, if you have any other questions, tweet @BorrowAThon and we'd be happy to help! I'm looking forward to reading with you all next week - it's going to be so much fun!


  1. Looking forward to joining for this round of the #BorrowAThon! I missed the first round, but this one coincides nicely with my recent library card renewal and rekindling love with my local library!!

  2. Can't wait to participate in this read a thon again. Love #Borrowathon 😘

  3. Can't wait to participate in this read a thon again. Love #Borrowathon 😘
