Thursday, December 31, 2015

Word & Resolution for 2016

Happy New Year's Eve! 

I honestly cannot believe how quickly this year has gone by. It seems like it was so recently that we were ringing in 2015 in New Jersey with our friends Kristen & Jeff, and today we're back in the Garden State prepping for tonight's party with them! Last year I selected a word for 2015 - Confidence. I knew that the year was going to bring many new and challenging experiences and having this constant reminder to try to find confidence in everything I faced was surprisingly helpful. Confidence has been something I've been struggling to find over the last several years, but with this reminder in my back pocket I was able to find it and build it up little by little every day which is awesome. I wanted to take the same approach this year and pick a word to last me throughout the entirety of 2016. (I also have a resolution that I want to work on because it's becoming a bit of a problem in my life - haha.)

Word: Positivity

Sometimes I feel like it's way too easy to be negative. I really want to change that - find the positive in things and see challenges as exciting opportunities instead of exhausting road blocks. Every time I'm feeling down or frustrated, I want to try and pull myself back up with positive thoughts. It's going to be tough because I consider myself far more of a realist than an optimist, but I think that adding some more positivity into my life on a regular basis is only going to bring good things!

Resolution: Kick my addiction to the snooze button

I am wayyyyy too addicted to the snooze button. It's really becoming a problem lately! Sometimes I'll hit snooze for a full hour and a half before begrudgingly getting out of bed. That's definitely not okay and scrambling to get ready 10 minutes before I need to be out the door for work is not okay. I really, really want to kick this awful habit of mine and start getting up right when my alarm goes off. My friend Jeff suggested I get one of these (which I'm definitely looking into purchasing) but any other suggestions are welcome and encouraged!

What's your word for the year? 
Do you have any New Year's resolutions?
I hope you all have a happy and safe NYE! See you in 2016!

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