Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Losing the Lottery

Hello friends! Happy Wednesday. 
I never know quite how to start out these life update posts, so I figure the best way is saying hello. 

Last Friday Brett and I ventured to Western MA to see our friends Jimmy and Kristen get married! They totally lucked out with the weather. It was honestly the perfect fall day. Super sunny, crisp air, and perfect temperature. Their venue was so cute as well! It was right on a farm with horses and so many trees with the quickly changing leaves. We had such a great time eating, drinking, and celebrating the happy couple.

Over the weekend I started watching The Good Place which I have heard nothing but positive things about and I have to say, I'm REALLY enjoying it! It's super witty, whimsical, and so so so funny. I flew through the first season and I'm a few episodes into the second season. I am so thrilled to find another show that I connect so well with because those are so few and far between for me!

This week has been riddled with excitement so far, mainly thanks to the fact that the Red Sox are in the World Series and the fact that everyone has been playing the lottery - not something we usually take part in, but when the jackpot is $1.6 billion, how can you resist? No one I know won, but some lucky duck in South Carolina did. Good for them! We still have a ticket for the $620 million Powerball tonight, so fingers crossed! This blog would get a whole lot more interesting. ;) On the flip side, the Red Sox won their first game last night! I'm secretly hoping they sweep the Dodgers so that they would win the series on Brett's birthday which is this Saturday. That would be such a fun birthday present! :P

 My uniform for the week!

Get u a man that understands how to best spend your lottery winnings!

My dad is ready to retire XD

At the last minute I decided to join the WitchAThon over the course of the next 8 days. I've been struggling to finish the books I've picked up during October and I figured that this readathon will give me the extra boost I need to get a couple more books finished before the month comes to a close. I just started reading my first book this morning (The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn) and I'm already flying through it!

New morning routine! <3

Speaking of reading, I've been making the effort this week to leave for work a little bit earlier than normal so I can give myself a little me time before I have to be in the office. There are these rooms that student groups tend to use for meetings in our building that are completely vacant when I arrive to campus at 7:45am, so I've been capitalizing on the quiet space to relax and read before the craziness of the day starts! I'm usually pretty drained mentally at the end of the day, so evening reading is a bit hit or miss. This way, I have reading time in the morning and during my lunch break and I'm able to fit in more pages than usual which I've been super happy with!

This upcoming weekend, like I mentioned, is Brett's 30th birthday! I have lots of surprises in store for his special day (which I shall not disclose at this time :P) and I am so excited to celebrate him all weekend long. I will of course be sharing all that we get up to in next week's life update.

I hope you all enjoy the rest of the week! GOOOOO SOX!


This dog wins Halloween forever from Hero Labradors

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