Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Current Workout Plan {Fall 2015}

I"m going to be honest with you all - when it comes to lifting weights I generally have no idea what I'm doing. Even being a varsity collegiate athlete for four years, I don't feel like I retained anything that I learned! One of the perks of dating a Strength & Conditioning Coach, though, is that they can write work outs for you and make you feel like less of an idiot in the weight room, which is exactly what Brett is doing! Hooray! I thought I'd share my workouts that I've been doing the last couple of weeks so you all can take a crack at it if you'd like!

When Brett writes my workouts, he keeps my running in mind (I'm trying to improve my speed) and my desire to one day have arms as nice as Michelle Obama's, so there's a lot of hamstring, arm, and back strengthening going on in these workouts. I also try to integrate some cardio in before I start lifting in order to warm up my muscles. I did workout 1 for 4 weeks and I plan on doing the same for workout 2 (I'm about halfway through!). I may interchange these for a while (I mean it's really up to Coach Angel!) but if I get some new routines I'll share them later on in a winter update post! :)

Workout 1

Day 1

3x10 - Squats
3x10 - Trunk Twists

3x10 - Hamstring Curls
3x10 - Flutter Kicks

3x10 - Lunge Pulls
3x10 - Bent Rows

3x10 - Sumo Squats
3x10 - Dumbbell Curls

Day 2

3x10 - Dumbbell Bench
3x15 - Calf Raises

3x10 - Tri Kickbacks
3x40 seconds or more - Planks

3x10 - Dumbbell Press
3x25 seconds or more - Side Planks

3x10 - Dumbbell Side Raises
3x8 - Dumbbell Swings

Workout 2

Day 1

3x10 - Goblet Squats
3x10 - Band Press

3x8-10 - Lunge Pulse
3x8 - Hang Cleans

3x10 - Ab Rollouts
3x5 - One-leg Hamstring Curls

3x8 - Lateral Squats
3x8 - Inverted Rows

Day 2

3x10 - Dumbbell Incline Bench
3x8 - Reverse Lunges

3x10 - Tri Push-Ups
3x10 - Reverse Curls

3x8 - One-leg Hip Extensions
3x10 - Dumbbell Plank Rows

3x10 - Dumbbell Front Raises
3x10 - Dumbbell Lateral Pull-Overs

If you have any questions about how to do any of these exercises please let me know in the comments! Perhaps Brett & I can do an exercise video for you all to show you how to do some of these things safely and effectively. At any rate, I hope you all enjoy these workouts! Happy lifting! ๐Ÿ’ช

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