Saturday, December 7, 2019

Weekly Round Up (December 1-7, 2019) | Blogmas Day 7

There's always some snaps that sit on my phone throughout the week that tend to get skimmed over while I'm putting together blog posts. I thought it would be fun to end each week during Blogmas with a collection of what didn't make the cut for the rest of the week for one reason or another! This week was particularly low-key because I was only in the office for a whopping one day. Monday I worked remotely, Tuesday was a snow day, then Thursday and Friday I was sick (still am ๐Ÿคง), so nothing particularly exciting happened aside from lots and lots of Netflix and lounging in bed to get better, but here are the things that you missed from me this week!

I finally registered for Half Fanatics, and became a Double Agent! You might remember that I qualified for Marathon Maniacs in the spring, where I ran 3 marathons within 90 days. Over the summer I qualified for the Half Fanatics by running 3 half marathons in 90 days - the Wallis Sands Half Marathon, the Sour Apple Half Marathon, and the John & Jessie Kelley Half Marathon! They were putting on a Cyber Monday sale for a lifetime membership for the Fanatics so I decided to jump on the deal! PLUS when you're both a Marathon Maniac and a Half Fanatic, you're automatically considered a Double Agent, so I'm now officially Marathon Maniac #15241, Half Fanatic #18266, and Double Agent #3578! I really enjoy being part of the Maniacs so I am beyond excited to be part of the Fanatics & Double Agents as well! ๐Ÿค—

Untitled Goose Game has been one of my favorite things about 2019 and I absolutely love all the memes that have come out of it. I saw this posted and thought it was genius ๐Ÿ˜‚ We need more horrible geese in this world! ๐Ÿคช

WHY DON'T WE DO THIS EVERYWHERE?! Dogs deserve the most, tbh.

I saw this tag floating around Twitter and I was curious to participate! The song I originally got - "Butterfly" by Weezer isn't the happiest song in the world lyrics-wise, but I'm hoping that 2020 will be beautiful like a butterfly. This year has been full of challenge and growth, and I hope that means that I will evolve in 2020! I also accidentally hit "next" when I was laying down in bed after doing this tag and the next song that popped up with "The Healing" by Bloc Party which I thought was appropriate because I also hope that 2020 is a year full of healing!

I've been really enjoying seeing everyone's Spotify end-of-year wrap ups. I shared my top artist of the decade a couple of days ago, but I wanted to share some of my other stats as well. I definitely was super into Khalid in the spring/early summer thanks to him being our Spring Day artist at work (he puts on an amazing show, btw!) and I absolutley played "Outta My Head" right to death ๐Ÿ˜‚ Also not a huge surprise that Lizzo was my top new artist. I feel like she was on everyone's top artists this year (and rightfully so!).

This will 100% be me on Christmas morning ๐Ÿ˜‚

1 comment:

  1. I did my Spotify Wrap Up for 2019. I'm not surprised Panic At the Disco was all over it. I might be slightly obsessed. Just a little though.

    I hope you feel better soon!
