Sunday, December 29, 2019

2020 Goals | Blogmas Day 29

As I begin writing this blog post it is 5:35 am on Sunday, December 29th. I've been up since 1:30 am and haven't really been able to get back to sleep, so I'm officially throwing in the towel and deciding to do something productive. I've been meaning to take a moment to write down some goals for the new year and now seems as good a time as any! ๐Ÿ˜‚

I've always been the goal setting type. I've found that if I don't feel like I'm actively working toward something, it has a really negative effect on my mental state. I'm just not usually a ~see where the wind blows me~ kind of person, so having a list of things to work toward - even if I never actually achieve them - makes me feel good! I'm going to break these goals up into a few different categories, for organization's sake.


-Cut my TBR in half. I had this goal for 2019 as well and it just did not happen. Between being in a huge slump for most of the year and continuing to purchase books, I think I ended the year with about the same number of books that I started the year with. According to my GoodReads shelf I have 134 unread books on my TBR, so I'd love to cut that down to 67 if I could! My physical TBR shelf is a little scary looking. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


-Read at least one BOTM book per month from the previous month's box. I have a terrible habit of not reading my BOTM books for months or years at a time! I would love to start reading at least one BOTM book a month that was from the previous month's box. So for example, in January I'll read at least one BOTM book from my December 2019 box, and so on. I'll hopefully read more BOTM books throughout each month but I think I can at least make it a goal to read one!

-Clear off my "Currently Reading" shelf. This will mainly be tackled in the first few months of the year, but I currently have 8 books that I'm currently reading and have been sitting on my "Currently Reading" shelf on GoodReads for MONTHS! I hope to knock out at least one or two of these before the clock strikes midnight on New Year's, but I definitely want to focus on reading these books at the start of 2020. The books on "Currently Reading" shelf include:

Perfect Little World by Kevin Wilson
November Road by Lou Berney
Talking to Strangers by Malcom Gladwell
Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend
A House for Happy Mothers by Almulya Malladi
The Marathon Maniacs by Malcom Anderson
Brave Story by Miyuki Miyabe
The Complete Stories by Flannery O'Connor

-Finish up my re-read of the US Hardback editions of Harry Potter. I didn't read a single shred of HP in 2019 and I was right in the middle of a re-read. I left off with Order of the Phoenix at the end of 2018, so I'd like to resume with my favorite of the series, Half-Blood Prince and finish reading this edition of the series during the first half of the year. I'm trying to collect a few other editions and I want to at least get one of the editions re-read before I continue collecting ๐Ÿ˜‚


-Run a sub-5 hour marathon. This is my ultimate goal when it comes to my running at the moment. I'm working toward it as much as I can at the moment, but I'm aware that it might take me a few tried to achieve this goal. Luckily I have a few different opportunities to chase after a sub-5 in 2020, so I'm crossing my fingers that the stars will align during one of those races and I'll see a 4 at the beginning of my finish time!


-Continue blogging regularly, 3x/week minimum. I've really enjoyed pushing myself to blog daily this month, and I'd like to continue to blog on a regular basis throughout 2020! I'm unsure if I can keep up daily blogging but I'd love to post as much as possible, and at minimum 3x/week.

-Get back involved with Read Your Face Off. RYFO is my baby and unfortunately I had to take a step back from it in 2019. Luckily th elovely Jess has stepped in and taken over since I took a break, and now we're kicking RYFO back off in the New Year with some new ideas! I'm excited to get back involved with RYFO again and be more involved with the book community.

-Maybe return to YouTube? This is something I'm still seriously mulling over. I really miss making videos, but I know that posting videos and having videos live when I was going through a really tough time mentally was not good for me. I'm a little worried that making a return to YouTube will make me backslide to a negative mental space, so I'm still deciding whether or not this is a good idea, but it's something that I'm open to!

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