Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday Reads {11.15.19}

Happy Friday, y'all! It's been a whirlwind the last few weeks, but I finally have some downtime scheduled for this weekend. I don't plan to do much beyond getting a couple runs in and seeing New Found Glory in concert on Sunday (!!!), so I thought I'd spend some serious downtime getting some reading done! I've been feeling pretty burned out from these last couple weeks of craziness, so a low-key weekend is in desperate need. I have a few books that I'm hoping to focus on, so this is what I'll be tackling this weekend:

These Witches Don't Burn by Isabel Sterling

I started this one last week and I've been making slow progress through it. Because it's a YA I should be able to breeze through the rest of it this weekend!

Talking to Strangers by Malcom Gladwell

I also started reading this one last week for a professional development book club at work. It was my hope to finish it last weekend, but our trip to Maine didn't necessarily make for a conducive reading environment ๐Ÿ˜‚ This book is super fascinating, though, and I've been really feeling non-fiction as of late, so I'm excited to get further into this book as well.

Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 19-21 by Hiromu Arakawa

I had a goal for a little while to finish the FMA series in 2019, but I haven't picked up a volume in months! Because I've been a bit slumpy in my reading, I feel like an action-packed manga will be really fun to read! I miss the Elric brother and I can't wait to continue reading the series, especially as I get closer to the conclusion!

November Road by Lou Berney

I feel like because I'm in a more non-fiction-y mood for reading, I feel like a historical fiction will be right up my alley for my next novel pick. I've been purposely saving this title for November (because I'm weird) so I'm excited to read through a JFK crime thriller. 

What are you reading this weekend?

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