Since I've taken a bit of a break from YouTube, I won't be doing my Happy Vlogidays videos like I've been doing for the last several years. I do really enjoy posting regularly during the holiday season, though, as so many fun memories can be made during this time of year that you want to be able to cherish for years to come. I still don't feel like I'm quite ready to make a return to YouTube yet, but I have been really enjoying posting on my blog on a regular basis, so I'm going to participate in Blogmas this year! Basically that means I will be posting daily to my blog between December 1st and December 31st. The traditional Blogmas/Vlogmas goal is to post daily until Christmas, but I always love to include New Year's in there as well, because why not? ๐
The last time I posted daily on my blog was during BEDA and it actually ended up coinciding with one of the most difficult times I've had with my mental health to date. It wasn't a great combination. I am feeling like I'm in a much better mental state these days, and much more prepared to take on the project of Blogmas than I was for BEDA. I have all of my posts planned out week to week which will help keep me motivated, and I plan for this to be a really casual approach to daily blogging. I'm not trying win a Pulitzer with each post, ya know?!
Posts will include my regular content like training updates and reading wrap ups, but I will post more about my day to day goings-on and all holiday-related activities. My hope is that it will be a lot like my vlogs, but just in blog form. We'll see how it goes! First post is tomorrow - wish me luck! ๐
Are you doing Blogmas or Vlogmas?
Let me know where you're posting so I can follow along!
I'm doing a casual thing for blogmas. I'm planning to do 12 posts for it.