Wednesday, January 2, 2019

December 2018 Reading Wrap Up & Reading Goals for 2019!

Reading poolside on Christmas Day 🤗

This past month I had one specific goal in mind - finish 11 books so I can say I read 150 books in 2018. My GoodReads goal for the year was 100 books, which I accomplished several months ago, and I didn't really have it in my head to shoot for 150 until November when I knew the goal was within reach, so I decided to go for it. I knew this would be an ambitious task, given the nature of the holiday season, but I'm happy to say I pulled it off! I buckled down during the afternoon of New Year's Eve and powered through the last 130 pages of book #150 (which ended up being Misery by Stephen King) and entered 2019 feeling super accomplished with my reading. I will be doing a more thorough wrap up of my 2018 reading later on this month (my January is just as busy as my December x_x), but for now here's how my December reading went:


Participated in 1 readathon (Christmas at Hogwarts)
Completed 1/10 books from 10 Book TBR #3 (3/10 total)
3,108 pages read
11 books completed


Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty
Physical copy, 5/5

Olivia Takes Ballet by Cordelia Evans
Physical copy, 3/5

One Day in December by Josie Silver
Physical copy, 4/5

Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
Audiobook, 5/5

The Dinner List by Rebecca Serle
Physical copy, 3/5

Warcross by Marie Lu
Physical copy, 2/5

Orange, the Complete Collection vol. 1 by Ichigo Takano
Physical copy, 4/5

Orange, the Complete Collection vol. 2 by Ichigo Takano
Physical copy, 5/5

Haruiro Astronaut by Ichigo Takano
Physical copy, 4/5

Landline by Rainbow Rowell
Physical copy, 4/5

Misery by Stephen King
Physical copy, 4/5


Now that 2018 is officially closed, it's time to work on some new goals for the new year! I posted this video the other day and am just now realizing that I didn't share my goals here with you all, so let's fix that! I've rolled over a couple of my 2018 goals into 2019 as I'd still like to accomplish them, but I've also added a couple new goals as well which I'm excited to get started on! Click the video below to hear me talk about each goal a little bit, and keep reading to see a list of my goals as well as my full list of reading challenges for the year!

1. Continue using the 10 Book TBR strategy
2. Continue to work through my re-read list from 2018
3. Cut my owned TBR pile in half
4. Read 150 books
5. Complete a reading challenge

1. A book with a time of day in the title
2. A book you borrowed or that was given to you as a gift
3. A book by multiple authors
4. A book with alliteration in the title
5. A book by an author who uses a pseudonym
6. A book with pictures
7. A book you bought on a trip
8. A bestseller from 2018
9. A book with multiple POVs
10. A book that is a continuation of a book you've already read
11. A book published in 2019
12. A book set in a fictional location
13. A book with a form of punctuation in the title
14. A book with 5 or more words in the title
15. A book with a one word title
16. A book set in North America
17. A book set in South America
18. A book set in Europe
19. A book set in Asia
20. A book set in Australia
21. A book set in Africa
22. A book set in or featuring Antarctica
23. A book with a shiny cover
24. A retelling
25. A book with more than 600 pages
26. A graphic novel
27. A book with an animal on the cover
28. A book that was published in your birth month
29. A book with a location in the title
30. A book featuring a historical event that happened during your lifetime
31. A young adult novel
32. A middle grade novel
33. A book with an emotion in the title
34. A book that is the first book in a series
35. A book that has been adapted to a film or television series
36. A book by a favorite author
37. A love story
38. A book with magic in it
39. A book with a face on the cover
40. A book that has 100,000 or more ratings on GoodReads
41. A book that was picked out by a friend
42. A book with a black and white color scheme on the cover
43. A book you're nervous to pick up
44. A book with a main character you have something in common with
45. A book from an author that has written more than 10 books
46. A book you will read within 24 hours
47. A book with your initials on the cover
48. A book you heard about from BookTube
49. A book with 150 pages or less
50. A book written by an actor
51. A book that has won an award
52. A book with geometric features on the cover

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