Saturday, November 7, 2020

I'M IN!!!: 2021 Milwaukee Marathon 🧀

Disclaimer: I received an entry into the Milwaukee Marathon to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!

YOU GUYS!!! I finally have a LIVE marathon on the calendar that's less than a year away!!! I'm so excited to share that I'll be running the 2021 Milwaukee Marathon in April! I can not wait to check another state off of my 50 states list. It has been far too long! I will be running this race as a part of BibRave and I'm really looking forward to representing the orange crew while running through the streets of Milwaukee. 

The course seems like it will be pretty challenging with lots of rolling hills, especially in the middle miles! Luckily the last ~9 miles are net down-hill, which you love to see, even if there are a few sneaky uphills sprinkled in there. I'm loving that we'll set to see a lot of the city, including the lakefront which I'm sure will be super beautiful. I always think that the best way to explore a new area is by running through it, and I'm sure this will be no different.

You may be wondering "But what if it gets cancelled?! We're still in a pandemic!" And you're absolutely right! The organizers of the Milwaukee Marathon have already acquired the permits for this race to be in-person, and they are confident that they will be able to put on a safe race for everyone. However, if the race does end up being cancelled, registrants have a few options:

-Defer your entry until 2022
-Get a refund of your entry fee
-Apply your entry fee to the Virtual Milwaukee Marathon

I love the fact that they're already thinking through these steps and being extremely upfront about them, because it's at the front of center of my mind when it comes to live racing, and I'm sure it is for you too! 

If you're interested in signing up for the 
2021 Milwaukee Marathon, 
head over to and 
use code "BR10" for 10% off your registration!

I'll be kicking off training for this marathon at the end of December and I'm hoping for a good build up for a successful 26.2! I'm running fairly long distances pretty frequently now, but I need to make sure that I'm hitting the right distances to finally achieve my goal of running a Sub-5 marathon. I'll definitely be bringing back my #Sub5orBust training logs because they keep me accountable. I'd love to achieve that shiny PR in Wisconsin this April! Fingers crossed! 🤞

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