Wednesday, February 5, 2020

#ContemporaryAThon Round 6 TBR ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ’•

Now that I'm back to posting videos over on my channel, I'm excited to start making a return to readathon-ing and vlogging my experience! One of my very favorite readathons - ContemporaryAThon - is making a comeback next week and I am excited to join in on the fun. I've been reading a lot of particularly sad books in 2020 for some reason, and I'm hoping that indulging in some contemporary next week will be a bit of a palette cleanser. I need some joy in my reading again! ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Like every round of ContemporaryAThon, there are 7 challenges that you have the option to try and meet. Being a more laid back readathon, the hosts encourage double/tripling up on the challenges, which I totally take advantage of these days. (Remember the days when I could read 7 books in a week? Who even was I?) Anywho, here are the challenges that the hosts are putting forth this round, which I'll be spreading across 3 books:

1. Read a book with green on the cover
2. Read a book by a new-to-you author
3. Read a diverse contemporary
4. Read a book with an illustrated cover
5. Read a dark or hard-hitting contemporary
6. Read a book that has been on your TBR for over a year
7. Read a book that's a favorite in the bookish community


The Friend Zone by Abby Jiminez

This is the Read Your Face Off Book Club buddy read selection for January/February! Jess and I are planning to buddy read this together early on in the week and I can't tell you how excited I am to pick up a light-hearted romance. It has been such a long time since I've picked up something fluffy like this and I'm hoping I fly right through it. I'll be taking it on my trip to New Orleans with me this weekend (I don't fly back until Monday night) so it will be good to have something light for the trip home!

Challenges this book qualifies for:
→ A book with green on the cover
→ New-to-you author
→ Illustrated cover

Not So Pure & Simple by Lamar Giles

This is my January Book of the Month box pick to read this month (more details in my 2020 Goals post, if you're curious!) and I am so excited to get to it! Reviews are mentioning that it is quite hilarious, which is definitely what I'm looking for in my books right now. I think this is going to be so entertaining and hopefully it's something that I won't want to put down.

Challenges this book qualifies for:
→ A book with green on the cover
→ New-to-you author
→ Diverse contemporary
→ Illustrated cover

The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis

Unlike the other two reads for the week, I know that this book is going to be a TOUGH read. I put this on my TBR for the last ContemporaryAThon I participated in (and let's be real, I barely participated) but I never got around to it. I wanted to put it back on for this round because I know it's a favorite of a LOT of folks in the bookish community, it's been on my shelf for quite some time, and I've heard nothing but positive things about it. I will be honest -- I am quite nervous to read it based on the subject matter. I'm planning to save this one as my last book of the week so I have a chance to read some happier books. I hope that I enjoy this one, and I think I will. It's just going to be a toughy!

Challenges this book qualifies for:
→ New-to-you author
→ Illustrated cover
→ Dark/hard-hitting contemporary
→ Backlisted contemporary (on your TBR for at least a year)
→ Book community favorite

I will be vlogging my week, so keep an eye out for that video! The February round of the Read Your Face Off 24 hour readathon is the weekend of ContemporaryAThon as well, so if I'm feeling like I have a bit of wiggle room in my reading life before then I'll update here with what books I'll be reading in addition to my reads for ContemporaryAThon. I hope that a lot of reading will be happening next week, and I hope that recovering post-marathon will encourage me to pick up books while I'm resting!

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