Thursday, June 27, 2019


While summer is my absolute favorite time of year, I find it to be the most boring time in my work life. Students are gone, summer projects (which equates to LOTS of reading and writing) are in full swing, and things are less demanding. I know my mind needs this rest but sometimes (a lot of times) it's just too dang slow for me! Once I have time to recover from the spring semester (which honestly is like a month and a half) I'm raring to go once again. Why do I do this to myself? ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Everyone has a colleague that will come to mind when they see this ๐Ÿ˜‚

This week has been my first week back to formal marathon training. I'm only two training runs in so far but I'm feeling very motivated to stay on top of the training runs I need to do. I haven't had a successful training cycle in YEARS and it would be awesome to see how I perform on race day if I actually act like a somewhat committed runner and do what I'm supposed to do while I train. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I have noticed that I'm much more exhausted this week so my body is really confused as to what I'm doing, but it's a good tired! Even though I have tomorrow off from work, I'm still going to get up early for a long run before the sun pops out and melts us all. (Usually long run days are on Sunday, but we have friends visiting this weekend so I want to get some mileage out of the way so I can spend time with them! I've even roped one of them in to coming to the gym with me on Saturday morning before we go play in Boston. SEE! COMMITTED! ๐Ÿ˜‚) I'll be posting my training updates on Sundays for anyone who is interested.

I'm really enjoying being a little bit more on the townie side these days. We lived in our hometown for three years between 2012-2015 before returning in late March. We live right in the downtown area and I'm loving the fact that I can walk almost anywhere that I need to get to. Our local library is a nice 10 minute walk from our house so I've been taking full advantage of that, we're surrounded by parks, and there's a solid number of restaurants and shops that we frequent. We're truly integrating into our hometown and I'm loving it! 

On one of my library walks the other day I came across a youth art project called Kindness Rocks. The idea is that kids in our area paint a bunch of rocks with kind words or scenes on them and lay them out in a public place and you can take one for yourself, give one to someone who needs one, or place one in a spot where you think someone who could use one might see it! As I was admiring the artwork I found one that - oddly enough - had my name on it. I had to take a photo!

One big positive of the slower times in the office is the fact that I have time to be a bit more social with my colleagues. Today I was able to reconnect with my friend Tyler who works in the ResLife department over coffee. I was already feeling caffeinated enough to get through the rest of the morning, so I opted for the new KitKat Coolata (left) that Dunks has released for the summer. Oh my goodness. If you like sweet treats, I would HIGHLY recommend this delightful beverage! It's vanilla and caramelly with chunks of KitKats throughout. *DROOL* I don't think I could handle any more than a small size of this because it is so sweet but it's super delicious and totally worth a try!

I really can't believe we are at the end of June already. I don't know if it's the fact that I had a vacation in the middle of the month, the fact that I've been so hyper-focused on completing 30 books (as of writing this I'm 4 books away from achieving this insane goal! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ), or just that life is unfair and your downtime goes by so much fast than your busy hectic times ๐Ÿ˜‚ but I hate the thought that in less than two months we'll be back up to our eyeballs in the insanity of the school year! I'm really excited for what the rest of the summer has in store, though. I'll be focusing on my training mostly, but our friends from NJ are visiting over this upcoming weekend, we'll be heading to New Hampshire for the 4th of July next week, we'll be going to a concert the week after that, I have a few half marathons planned, and I may even have some more time to fit in some more time off, encouraged by my boss. I want to do everything in my power to recharge my batteries to full capacity ahead of the end of August. Things will be crazy again before I know it!


Watching: Brett and I are planning to start the new season of Are You the One? when we get home tonight and I am SO EXCITED FOR IT. I've been saying since I started watching that it would make the show 100,000x better if all the contestants could be anyone's Perfect Match so this season is going to be FIRE. ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Listening: I'm loving the song Lovers by Anna of the North. Such a beautiful, chill track!

Reading: In the middle of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne and IT'S RIPPING MY HEART OUT, YOU GUYS.

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