Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Things I'm Looking Forward to This Fall ๐Ÿ‚ (BEDA Day 27)

Usually fall is a time where I'm a bit bummed out because summer is gone and winter is inevitable. I thought I'd write up a list of things that I'm looking forward to this fall so it doesn't seem so bad. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‚

1. Brett isn't coaching football this fall for the first time since we started dating, so we can actually make plans and hang out throughout the season! This is new for us, and I wonder if he'll get a bit stir crazy, but we live right down the street from his former team so I'm sure we'll enjoy plenty of local college football, without the stress. I'm wondering if we can plan some fun fall activities that we haven't gotten to do together in the past!

2. The Newport Marathon! I'm excited to be doing a fall marathon that is more local to me! It's been a while since I've done a marathon that's near me, so I'm really looking forward to being close by and to enjoy 26.2 during a New England autumn. I've heard the course in Newport is absolutely beautiful so I can't wait to experience it for myself.

3. Cozy fall cooking! Now that we have a full blown kitchen again, I want to make ALL THE THINGS. I want to make all the pumpkin and apple treats, cook in the crock pot every weekend, and try some dope appetizers during football on Sunday. We're all going to gain some serious weight this fall ๐Ÿ˜‚ #sorrynotsorry

4. Pumpkin beer with cinnamon & sugar rims. For some reason I feel like this is way less common than I acutally think it is? Either way, I'm excited to get my mits on this delightful beverage as often as humanly possible.

5. Volleyball league! I've been wanting to get involved in some sort of adult recreational sports league since I left grad school, and I finally feel grounded enough in where I'm living and working to take the leap into trying one out for myself. I've signed up for a rec volleyball league which will start mid-October. I'm not super confident in my volleyball skills, but I think I'll be okay. Luckily, it's a novice league, so I can work my way up!

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