Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Digging Out of the Depression Hole

Now that the academic year has ended and summer vacation is upon us (and by "us" I mean everyone that works in Higher Ed. Summer starts in May for us. Perks!), I really am trying to re-focus my energy back to the things I love to do. Lucky for me, I now work on a campus that gives staff members Fridays off over the summer (in exchange for slightly extended days Monday-Thursday), so not only will I have more free time to myself during the week, I will *hopefully* also have some more energy! I think that's my main obstacle when it comes to prioritizing my hobbies throughout the academic year - I'm just so tired at the end of the day, all I want to do is be a potato on the couch until I pass out in my work clothes.

ANYWHO, all this is to say that I want to try get back on the weekly blog post train. I definitely did not have the motivation to be that consistent throughout the first half of the year, but I figured I'd give it another go while I have time in the summer. Why not? I do have quite a few fun things planned for the summer (a trip down to FL, a hand full of concerts, a couple of races, etc.) and while I am getting back into posting consistently over on YouTube, there's always something about blogging that can capture it all, if that makes sense.

This week is Round 6 of BorrowAThon which is always an amazing experience. These are MY PEOPLE here on the bookish corner of the internet and I am always so grateful that I have them in my life. They make me feel so happy and like I fit right in - a feeling I don't have in a lot of aspects of my life. Sometimes I wish BorrowAthon happened more often but unfortunately my mental capacity can only keep up with twice a year! At least I'll always have it to look forward to, right?

Books I'm Currently Reading
  • The Wizards of Once by Cressida Cowell (Middle grade fantasy, reading for BorrowAThon!)
  • Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett (Audiobook from the library which I'll be reading on my commute home today. I've heard it's full-cast and I am very excited to get to it!)
  • Night Film by Marisha Pessl*

Shows I'm Currently Watching
  • The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Season 2

  • Obviously just finished up watching Game of Thrones, Season 8. So sad that it's over!

  • Season finale of The Challenge: War of the Worlds is tomorrow! Really rooting for Turbo!

Plans for the Rest of the Week

I'm honestly just trying my best to get through to the end of Thursday because then I have a FIVE DAY WEEKEND, Y'ALL! I may as well just call it a vacation because I feel like anything beyond a four day weekend can easily count as a vacation. As I mentioned, we get Friday off for the first time this week, then we have Memorial Day on Monday, and then I had an extra personal day I needed to find time to take before the end of June, so I decided to tack it on to the end of MDW. Why not, right? Obviously I plan to do a heckuvalot of reading, but I also really want to go see Booksmart in theatres and then potentially get a haircut because I literally have not cut my hair since August. It's time.

Other than that I really do not have plans for the weekend. I hope to go on a run each day I have off, and maybe film a couple of videos to post before the end of the month. I'm really trying as hard as I can to dig myself out of this depression hole** I've dug myself into over the first half of this year and it's exhausting work. But I'm trying.

I feel like this blog post is just all over the place but that's how my brain feels at the moment. And always, if I'm being honest. But it feels good to be back and to be working to get everything back on track to the best of my ability. Hopefully I'll find my groove again sometime soon!

*Sooooooooooooooooooo I've had this on my currently reading shelf since literally September. There's a handful of books that have been on my currently reading shelf since the fall and I really want to start working to get them read! I'm going to prioritize one each week, chip away at it, and then eventually get my Currently Reading shelf to zero. Big dreams. Wish me luck! ๐Ÿ™ƒ

**The last few weeks have been really hard, guys. Like… really hard. Every day has been a struggle. But I'm trying everything in my power to start to feel better. I'm journaling daily. I'm making sure I'm eating SOMETHING green at least once a day. I'm trying to get back into my running routine. I'm getting up and walking every time my watch buzzes at me to move. I'm trying! It's exhausting but it's important and I hope that others out there who might be fighting these demons like I am know that they are not alone and I'm sending them positive energy to keep on fighting, just like I'm trying to.

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