Tuesday, April 10, 2018

O.W.L.s Readathon 2018 | Week 1 Update

GAH! This update is coming to you way later than I intended. I was hoping to post updates every Sunday, but the weekend was spent preparing for a larger personal event that happened yesterday, and now that the dust has settled a bit from that, I realized that I totally forgot to share my first O.W.L.s update with you. I'm sorry about that! With the craziness of my life at the moment and all the stress that has come with it, I've been finding it hard to concentrate on reading. I feel so brain dead at the end of the day! Such is my life in the month of April. However, I did manage to read two graphic novels and make a bit of progress in my Transfiguration exam. Hooray! 

This weekend I will be participating in the April round of #ReadYourFaceOff (24 hour readathon from 9AM Saturday to 9AM Sunday in your time zone!) so I'm hoping to put some serious pages down. I'm also in the middle of Book BuddyAThon, so I'll be concentrating on those books, but I think I can throw in some of the graphic novels on my O.W.L.s TBR during the weekend to get through a few more of my exams! 


Books completed this week...

Collecting Sticks by Joe Decie
160 pages
Completes the HERBOLOGY exam: A book with a nature related word in the title

Barefoot Gen, vol. 4: Out of the Ashes by Keiji Nakazawa
281 pages
Completes the ARITHMANCY exam: A book with a number on the cover

Books in progress...

Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab
TRANSFIGURATION exam: A book that deals with transfiguration/shape shifting


Pages read: 605
Books completed: 2
O.W.L.s Passed: 2/12
Current Marks: Acceptable


1. Finish Our Dark Duet (TRANSFIGURATION, 346 pages remaining)
2. Read The Best We Could Do (MUGGLE STUDIES, 329 pages)
3. Read Fullmetal Alchemist, vol. 1-3 (POTIONS, 576 pages)

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