Friday, May 29, 2020

Friday Reflections // The Direction of my Blog

After a particularly hot & humid 4 miler today 🔥

Hello friends! I hope you're all doing well. It's been a few weeks since I've updated you all on how I've been doing on here and I really do apologize for that. I'm finding it challenging to have the motivation to keep my blog up to date since I started working from home over two months ago (!!!). Over the last couple of weeks I've noticed that the majority of my blog posts that I've been writing lately are product reviews for my BibRave Pro ambassadorship. While I do enjoy writing those reviews for y'all, it was never my intention for that to become the sole function of this space. 

I've been struggling to figure out what to post here because - as I'm sure a lot of you can relate - my life is quite repetitive at the moment with not a whole lot to report back on. I've been weekly vlogging since April and that's been a really enjoyable way for me to document my life as of late, but at heart I've always primarily a blogger and I miss dedicating my time to writing posts about my life and my interests. In an effort to commit myself back to this space, I wanted to start writing a post every Friday to talk through my week and the topics that are at the forefront of my mind - Friday Reflections! 

This is particularly perfect because in the summer my job has Fridays off. Giving myself space and time to reflect at the end of each week will be the perfect way for me to kick off my weekend. I hope you all will enjoy this snapshot of my week each week, and that this will make my space a bit more personable again. 

Here's what's on my mind this week:

George Floyd

I don't think you can be living in the US and not know about this story, and I can only hope you are absolutely outraged and disgusted by it. This obviously has been plaguing my mind since I've heard the news and I've been paying close attention to the goings-on in Minneapolis. Sadly these incidents are all too common in our country and as a person who holds white privilege, it is my responsibility to stay educated so that I can work to be the best ally I can be. I strongly encourage you to take a moment to educate yourself as well. Here are some resources for you to check out:

Instagram Post: Anti-racism Reading List

Birthday Month!
Birthday month gifts from days 28 & 29!

If you've been following along on my Instagram, Brett has been surprising me each day this month with a different gift to celebrate my 30th birthday! Because this year's birthday was a milestone and we couldn't really go out to celebrate, he's been bringing the celebration to me each day. It's honestly been such a great month and it's been so fun to see what each day brings. Tomorrow is the last day (30 days of 30!) and I'm excited to see how everything will be capped off. Either way, I appreciate everyone who has thought of me this month and I truly feel so loved!

This breaks my heart beyond belief. I mean, we all saw it coming. It's just not realistic to expect an event of 30,000+ people (not even counting the crowds it will draw) to be permitted to occur. BUT my heart is broken for all of those runners who have work their tails off to BQ and are not even going to be permitted to defer to 2021. I can't imagine what they're thinking. This also makes me really think that Chicago - a race that is even bigger than Boston - will not happen. I'm not planning to defer yet but I just don't think it's likely that I'll be toeing the line in Chicago this October. 😕

Dog-sitting Miss Abby!

Our pal Cassie is out of town for a little while, so Brett and I are taking care of her pup, Abby! It's been so nice to have Abby around. She's a big time snuggler, loves to play, and keeps us extremely entertained! Just another reminder that Brett and I need to adopt a dog of our own ASAP. 😋

Feeling very reading slumpy

My reading during self-isolation has been all over the place. I feel like I just don't have the same reading stamina that I used to have and I just generally don't have the same motivation to pick up a book in my free time as I used to. It's such a huge bummer but I'm trying not to let it get to me too much. I know I'll get back into the groove eventually. It's just so frustrating while I'm experiencing the slump!

New BRP Gear! 🧡

I've been wanting to snag these shirts for myself essentially since I became a BibRave Pro, and for some reason (maybe it was more of a birthday treat yo' self move?), now felt like the best time to order them! I am so glad I did because both the t-shirt and sweatshirt are SO SOFT! Obviously with how humid it's been this week, now is not the most ideal time to be wearing the sweatshirt, but I can't wait to rock the tee all summer and cozy up with the sweatshirt once the temperatures drop again!

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