Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September Goals

The semester has officially started, so my life right now is crazy! For this month, I decided not to give myself any tangible goals. I already have so much on my plate, so I'm more focused on not completely losing my mind for the first few weeks of school. That way I can find a routine and go from there!

P.S. It's my first day of grad school today! (How excited do I look?)

I've started a Tumblr as a portfolio of sorts for my time in grad school.
If you're interested in reading more specifically about my jobs and grad program, head over to HESA Life!


  1. those are great goals! have a great month ^^

  2. I'm going to have to steal a goal or two from you! Good luck with grad school!

    1. Feel free! We all need to take care of ourselves :)

  3. Congrats, I just started my BSc in Natural Science and I work full time, so I understand having a lot on your plate. Stopping to breath is a very good idea!!

    BTW, I found you via BBN!


    1. Good luck in your studies! I'm definitely not a science-y person, and I'm so envious of people who are! Make sure you take care of yourself throughout your program! :)

      Thanks for stopping by!
